Bokitta Community Blog

6 Ways To Achieve Work-Life Balance
Because we live in a 9-5 culture that encourages long days of hard work, and sometimes even over-work, it can be hard to strike a healthy balance between your life and your job. Remember: you aren’t your job. You’re an...
Follow these tips for glowing skin after 30
As a Hijabi woman, your face is your focal point, so it’s even more important to take extra good care of your skin. Everyone wants that glowing, radiant, smooth skin. When you’re young, it doesn’t take much effort to achieve...
5 tips for cultivating self-discipline
Cultivating self-discipline is an extremely important quality of a successful person, but doing so isn’t easy. As humans, we naturally want to take the path of least resistance–we want to do that is easy, which makes doing the hard thing...
6 Tips on Being a Classy Woman
So, you want to be a classy lady–successful, confident, with great poise and an even better demeanour. A classy woman is conscious of her decisions. She knows what she’s doing, and why she’s doing it. She’s well respectful, and well...
Time Management Tips For Moms at Home
If you’re at home with a baby–you’re already working hard. But if you’re working a career job from home, both if your jobs just got a lot harder. You’re fighting against time–something that there is just precious little of. When...
Living In Harmony With Your Menstrual Cycle
During your menstrual cycle, do you feel like you’re a slave to your hormones? Maybe you’re elated and bursting with joy one minute, and desperate with sadness and depression the next. Perhaps, like some women, you crave sweets or perhaps...
5 Tips to Become Instantly More Charistmatic
Charisma is an extremely important character trait–we build relationships, make first impressions, and open opportunities because of charisma. If we are well-mannered, polite, and likeable, we can go far in life. A charismatic person is emotionally approachable, non-judgemental, and influential....
You Are Your Circle: What Islam Says About Friendship
We spend a great majority of our time with coworkers, family, friends and loved ones. It’s a known fact that we mirror the behaviour of our social groups–a side effect of the human desire to be accepted, and to ‘fit...