Bokitta Community Blog

Back to school: 5 practical lunch box ideas
School lunches feel like a hassle, but they don’t have to be! The key to a great lunchbox for your kid is to take simple, quality staples and give them a fun twist. It’s important to get balance right, too....
5 tips for cultivating self-discipline
Cultivating self-discipline is an extremely important quality of a successful person, but doing so isn’t easy. As humans, we naturally want to take the path of least resistance–we want to do that is easy, which makes doing the hard thing...
5 Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Mental Health
As a modern woman, you have a lot to keep track of. Maybe you are maintaining and running a home, taking care of the kids, or working a busy job day-to-day. Maybe it's all three. Life comes at you fast,...
4 Hobbies to Train Your Brain
The brain is just like any other muscle: use it or lose it. We don’t often think about brain health and upkeep, but maybe ought to. How do we use our brain most of the day? Perhaps we spend most...
Developing a Summer Routine For Your Kids
While your kids are out of school all Summer, keeping their day structured can be a challenge. They’ve got all the time in the world on their hands, and you’re busy taking care of work, the home, and them! Keeping...
Finding Your Summer Hobby
Oh, the Summer hobby: that burgeoning interest that you dive into to kill time during the long, hot summer days. Summer is the perfect time to dive into a new interest. If you’re a student, you’ve got more time than...
6 Tips on Being a Classy Woman
So, you want to be a classy lady–successful, confident, with great poise and an even better demeanour. A classy woman is conscious of her decisions. She knows what she’s doing, and why she’s doing it. She’s well respectful, and well...
Time Management Tips For Moms at Home
If you’re at home with a baby–you’re already working hard. But if you’re working a career job from home, both if your jobs just got a lot harder. You’re fighting against time–something that there is just precious little of. When...
5 Tips to Become Instantly More Charistmatic
Charisma is an extremely important character trait–we build relationships, make first impressions, and open opportunities because of charisma. If we are well-mannered, polite, and likeable, we can go far in life. A charismatic person is emotionally approachable, non-judgemental, and influential....
5 Delicious Lebanese Recipes You Should Try Today
To us, Lebanon is home–and when we think of home, one of the first things we think of is the delicious food. Lebanon is known worldwide for its delicious, fresh, and exciting Mediterranean dishes–full of fresh, flavorful ingredients and strong,...
Hijabi Mommies: How to Get Rid of Stubborn Postpartum Belly
Having children is a joy and a blessing–no mother regrets carrying her baby to term–and the bliss that children give mommies is indescribable. However, pregnancy can be straining on the body. Especially with multiple, back-to-back pregnancies, the process can take...
Six Tips For Deciding on a Major
As a young person entering university, you probably have a lot of questions. It’s an exciting time–you’re getting ready to strike out on your own, be an adult, and begin the next phase of your education. You’re in a time...
Three Toxic Traits That Keep Us Far From Allah
"He has succeeded who purifies the soul, and he has failed who corrupts the soul." Qura'an, 91:9-10. Baggage–bad habits, attitudes, feelings, and impure thoughts, is something that we all experience. Negativity in our life weighs down the soul and can...
The Dangers of Ego and the Importance of Humility
Ego is one of the greatest pitfalls to faith, and it obstructs healthy relationships. But what is Ego? It’s a person's (unhealthy) sense of self-importance and self-esteem. Egoists tend to see themself and their needs as more important than those...
Three Things to Do During Your Summer Vacation
Summer is in full swing. If you’re a student, you’ve got months of free time ahead of you. If you’re a mom, your hands are as full as ever–but at least the days are getting longer! Free time and long,...
Traveling Thrifty: 5 Tips For Great Vacations on a Budget
It’s Summer vacation time! Where is your spirit of adventure going to whisk you away this Summer? That might depend on your wallet. Maybe you’re dreaming of a cross-country European vacation, or a food-fueled tour of Southeast Asia. Maybe you’re...
9 Bright Mind Ideas to invest in old clothes
We, women, always have a huge batch of clothes that we want to replace and get something new instead. We often want to renovate and reinvest existing items, in many different ways. You can invest in your old items in...