Bokitta Community Blog

30 lessons from the prophet's actions
1. Humble beginnings Did you know that the Prophet (PBUH) started out as a shepherd? Eventually, he worked hard and became a successful merchant. 2. Trustworthiness One of the Prophet’s first titles was “Al-Ameen,” the trustworthy. He was known for...
Here’s what the Qura’an says about these common relationships
Our relationships are an important aspect of our lives. From parents, to children, to neighbours, to spouses–these are the people we share our lives with. They know us better than anyone, and everyday they help shape us into the person...
TIps for Making Dhikr a Regular Part of Your Day
“Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest”(Quran 13:28). Dhikr, meaning “remembrance” or “mention” is an important aspect of the Muslim faith. In the context of the religion, Dhikr is to praise, worship, and remember Allah. Doing so...
Understanding Dhull Hijja and How to Make the Most of It
We are getting close to the month of Dhull Hijjah-the month of the Pilgrimage. The Hajj season is a special time for Muslims. This most blessed and sacred month contains a number of important events and holidays for Muslims–all of...
While America Celebrates Juneteenth, Here is What Islam Says About Slavery
America just celebrated Juneteenth–a federal holiday that celebrates the day that African American slaves learned of their freedom in 1965. The holiday began among Texas slaves, but is now a federal holiday celebrated across the United States. Although slavery was...